Reddit ynab 4 worth it
Reddit ynab 4 worth it

reddit ynab 4 worth it

Something would always come up and I'd be back where I started.

reddit ynab 4 worth it

I've not been terrible with money -always paying bills on time and paying more than required on most debts, but I've not really gotten off the hamster wheel either. I ordered this book right away, and it keeps clicking. It was confusing at first (as you don't budget money until you have it: so not counting my paycheck or my mortgage payment that *will* happen yet this month didn't make sense at first) but then it just sort of clicked. I've not been terrible with money -always paying bills on time and paying more than required on most deb Someone suggested YNAB in a FB feed I happened to see a few days ago, and so I poked around on the website/app for a bit. Someone suggested YNAB in a FB feed I happened to see a few days ago, and so I poked around on the website/app for a bit. I liked it and I'll keep it handy in my personal finance library. The audiobook was well narrated and it's a quick read (about 5 hours total in audio form). The book meanders a little from its central discussions from time to time, but I liked the overarching information I gathered from it. The information in this book you could essentially find on the program's website, but it does add a few (namely examples) new discussions to the mix. It's a good system and the author gives plenty of examples of how it has worked for his family as well as others who've used this system. "age your money" - keeping ahead of your expenses by allowing the money you've saved in advance can be used for current/future expenses. "roll with the punches" - meaning you're flexible and allow assessment with your spending, and 4. Whether you use a program, app or pen and paper/Excel spreadsheet, this book claims that the system it proposes works for all those methods and then some. Tangent aside, this was an easy to follow audiobook, with a clearly delineated 4-step approach to budgeting. trying to buy a house, save for retirement, etc.) along those lines, what references can I grab?" Enter this book, then I realized the name matched the program. I figured "I've been reading a number of personal finance books lately since the work I'm doing also relates to financial matters and I'm making decisions (i.e. I didn't connect the two until learning about this book from a Daily Deal on Audible. The "You Need A Budget" mentioned here is indeed the same system that's featured from the program/app of the same name. Quick review for a quick read: this ended up being a personal finance read that I picked up without really knowing the backstory to it. I figured "I've been reading a number of personal finance books lately since the work I'm doing also relates to financial matters and I'm making decisions (i.

Reddit ynab 4 worth it